Tuesday 29 April 2008

Conference 2009

We've had lots of positive feedback about conference this year. I was very impressed with the way it went (save for drastic pc failure on one particular session!)

This blog has had nearly 800 hits in just over a fortnight, which is amazing.

We're beginning to plan for next year already....watch this space.


Anonymous said...


Blogging next year's event? Excellent idea! The 2008 conference is well represented here and the blog will be of considerable value to members, itinerant RMers and RM lurkers, even after the formal reports and "RM Bulletin" reviews.

Very grateful for the link to Steve Bailey's alarming paper. Needs study and the text is important.

Can we get any more links like that to other papers, especially for the poor conference goers who couldn't get to all the presentations?


Mike Steemson.

cudyll coch said...

What a good idea to make a new professional award at the next conference.

Will deadline submission dates be posted soon for 2011?