Monday 21 April 2008

Collaborative session RM in 2012

These are rough notes...I'll tart it up later. Suffice to say, the challenge was to look at how we can manage the environment of the future in ways that benefit ourselves and our organisations. Where will we be in 2012?

Sharepoint v EDRM

James...who will win? SP or EDRM?

Almost unanimous.

SP is easy to roll out, train, intuitive. Probs and pleasures of SP. Easy to use but - where's the governance? How do you manage the proliferastion of all the new team sites. Are we creating silos2.0?

IT within orgs like the thrill of the new. MS has a lot of stuff going for it. But more highly regulated environments may still need EDRM.

Guardians or enablers?

Will erm systems still be here in 7 years?The future is assistive technology? It's the wrong way round. Relational classification. Hierarchical systems will go. Tagging will take over. Hosted services will structure and order info/records. Using controlled lists; autoclassification is the next step. Self evolving, thesaurus builders not RMs. Will we be the Information management society?

How do we manage info / facilitating business need?

ERM interfaces are inhibiting. How can we let users have a better experience? Can we automate everything? How to introduce RM agenda into orgs that don't want to play? Outsourcing?

Collaborative do you control them? Regulate them?

Do we need the experts to tell us what to do? Each org needs to manage its own systems without the need for a man on a white charger coming along to save the day.

How do we engage senior staff to make sure we support our business? Regulation v the way that things really work. Civil Service not good at managing data, won't change now.

How do we get from where we are to this new environment?

What will individuals be doing? What shd indivs be doing?

Well, it depends on business needs. The changes aren't necessarily user driven. Changes are IT driven. We haven't engaged the users properly. IT and RM need to be seamlessly linked. RM are the links between users and IT.

Need IM/RM strategies. But RM is always down the list of priorities for orgs. Need to influence people at the right grade etc. Info is your second biggest resource. Some orgs treat RM like smoking, drink driving - it's not going to be me that's hit.

Risk management is a key factor. What abt managing email mment? Websites have out of date info on them. We shd try to build in tools that will manage these systems...acknowledging the risk is crucial.

Policies, procedures, principles and training.

How are we gonna do naming conventions on tags? People do it for their immedtiate needs not conveniently for records managers.

Get in at the beginning not the end.

Internal audits are good ways of ensuring compliance.

Can we rethink the lifecycle of records?

Endless storage or active/inactive documents. Managing lifecycles. Seamless flow in TNA. All info is valid not just that which you consider to be so.

How do we decide on what to archive? Archive when it's not needed rather than for a set period of time. If you're saving stuff...move them to archive x months/years after it was last used. What abt finance docs? Much easier than policy stuff.

Local information champions. People aren't records managers they have a day job.

Is the term 'record' useful anymore? is it just active/inactive stuff?

EDRM systems are integrating closer with SP environments. EDRM won't be obsolete it'll evolve just like MS tools have evolved.

RM community needs to be able to influence edrm systems.

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